Monday, December 30, 2013
For N
Of this morning I already scoured my thoughts, evoking images of your laughter and smiles, on the snowless nights of late December. I have been thinking about you in these minutes, without cessation, as pieces of you still linger on me. And here I am, with heart still sweltering from an insatiable feeling of missing you. The day hasn't passed, yet by now, something has compelled my hands to write you a letter. A letter of forlorn longing.
I am sorry that I have to go abruptly, leaving you early and not waiting for the year to change. Our Christmas rendezvous might be just transient, but, trust me, it will be forever engraved as the best Christmas I have in life. I can still hear you giggling when I was trying to remember some characters from Mahabharata. Or that time when I brought children magazine in lieu of a more proper crossword book. My heart is still blooming from that night when you hugged me, nestling in between hundreds eyes of the adherents of a sworn enemy that bears the same red marks upon them as the team I love. (You were part of them, too. But you know I love you too much to transcends this difference.)
My love,
You are dearer and dearer to me in each day. I loved you before, but it was not like this now. This all now is much more wonderful than before. And you wonderfully assured me that you will go with me, through joys and miseries, through laughs and tears. You see my flaws, my weaknesses, my errors. I am stripped and naked, devoid from any concealment, yet you opt to love me back as what I am. As who I am.
You are all together my faith, my hope, and my confidence; the security to my vulnerabilities, as the roof beam to a house in a stormy day. And I am prepared to love you with all your weaknesses. To be blind of those. To be blind forever, together. Is it a madness to believe for this to go forever? But didn't the wise use to say that love is insanity? If that is true, then I don't want to be sane.
I want to love you, even if every reason to love you has burned away.
Dear N,
As I am writing this to you, you know that I am half a thousand kilometers away from you. I have to stay here for a while. Wait for me, someday, I will go home again.
Meanwhile, if you miss me, just look at the west. I am there on the sunset. Look closely under the sun. As its last gleaming escapes from the edge of the day, there I am whispering you prayers and blessing from the faraway.
Sleep well, and live well.
With a lot of love,
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Kepada Tuan G
*) Kepada Tuan G.
Ada idiom dari bahasa Latin yang saya suka, tempus fugit, non autem memoria; waktu berlalu, tetapi ingatan tidak. Namun, terkutuklah saya dengan ingatan episodik dan ingatan semantik yang luar biasa tak berimbang. Saya mungkin ingat tentang X dan Y, atau tetek bengek hal-hal trivial lainnya. Bodohnya, saya malah lupa ulang tahun seseorang yang bisa dibilang adalah guru saya dalam menulis.
Saya mengenalnya semasa kuliah, pada semester-semester akhir. Saya lupa bagaimana mulanya kita bertemu. Mungkin di warung kopi Akang. Entahlah. Ah, betapa buruknya ingatan episodik saya. Namun yang saya ingat ia adalah orang yang menipu saya dengan penampilannya. Di luar dia seperti pria biasa yang tidak meninggalkan impresi apa-apa - setidaknya, sampai dia membuka mulutnya.
Di kepalanya terekam berderet fakta dan sejarah dan pengetahuan, begitu rapi. Suatu dunia yang tidak pernah saya hiraukan sebelumnya karena saya sibuk melihat yang di luar, di kejauhan sana, pada lain benua. Dia mengingatkan saya - meskipun tidak secara eksplisit - bahwa adalah bebal untuk tidak belajar tentang sesuatu yang lebih dekat dengan diri kita sendiri. Sesuatu yang tidak melulu global nan grandiose.
Namun bukan berarti dia tak acuh dengan apa yang ada di luar. Saya ingat kami mengobrol banyak, membandingkan antara pemikiran Marx, Rawls, dan anarkisme, pada bordes sebuah kereta ekonomi yang menuju ke Bali. Dan saya belajar banyak darinya, termasuk belajar untuk menulis. Sesungguhnya, dia lebih pintar daripada saya.
Saya ingat komentar Martin Heidegger pada sajak Der Ister karya Friedrich Hölderlin. Heidegger menulis: "spirit loves colony". Pada mulanya, "ruh" diberikan padanya suatu takdir. Takdir ini, bagaimanapun, masih tak kelihatan, masih ekuivokal. Dalam perjalanannya, ia mempelajari yang-lain, untuk pada akhirnya belajar mengenai dirinya sendiri. Dan begitulah teman saya ini menjadi salah seorang "ruh" liyan yang saya temui dalam sungai Danube kehidupan saya.
Padanya tidak saya ucapkan apa-apa, selain terima kasih, ucapan klise selamat ulang tahun, semoga panjang umur, dan sukses selalu. Juga, semoga cepat menemukan jodoh.
Apa lagi yang bisa saya berikan pada seorang Sisifus versi Pulau Sumatera yang sudah bahagia, selain doa untuk mengiringi ia "dumadi", menjadi sebaik-baiknya manusia menurut cita-citanya sendiri?
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Argumentum ad Sanguineam
Kajian psikologis tentang film horor memberikan pandangan yang baru tentang daya tariknya. Daya tarik mengenai film horor itu sendiri sudah didokumentasikan dalam pelbagai tulisan dengan baik (Tannenbaum, 1980; Zillmann, 1984). Beberapa peneliti mengajukan jawaban dari segi biologi evolusioner, yaitu bahwa film horor merangsang manusia untuk mengukur level ancaman. Perasaan jijik dan takut akan kematian mengisyaratkan bahaya, dan memancing perilaku primal manusia untuk melindungi diri demi kelangsungan hidup (Pyszczynski, Greenberg, dan Solomon, 1998). Tanpa bermaksud seksis, secara evolusi, dahulu sekali laki-laki lah yang mengambil peran (secara fisikal) untuk melindungi keluarganya dari ancaman. Hal ini didukung pula oleh riset yang menunjukkan bahwa pencinta film horor adalah mayoritas pria berusia 15-45 tahun (Tamborini dan Stiff, 1987). Dan, sedikit banyak, menonton film horor bisa dianggap sebagai sebuah ritus kedewasaan, di mana siapa yang tahan menontonnya dianggap cukup berani oleh teman-temannya.
Penjelasan ini tentu saja tidak menjelaskan mengapa kita menikmati horor dalam media seni, dalam keadaan yang secara sadar kita ketahui relatif aman dari bahaya. Ada teori yang mengatakan bahwa pada waktu kita menonton film horor, sebenarnya kita sedang menahan rasa takut untuk menikmati sebuah "sense of euphoria", sebuah katarsis emosional di akhir filmnya. Salah seorang teman wanita saya yang menggemari film horor (bahkan gore) mengatakan selain karena dia menyukai anatomi tubuh manusia, film horor memberikan sensasi yang menggairahkan, traumatis, serta sebuah kelegaan emosional secara bersamaan; sebuah kanal untuk memproyeksikan emosinya kepada tokoh dalam film (emotional displacement). Menurutnya, film-film seperti ini menunjukkan pada dia bahwa hidupnya lebih beruntung daripada si korban dalam film. Kita lega bahwa selalu ada akhir yang bahagia, meskipun hidup - yang disimulasikan oleh film horor itu sendiri - penuh dengan hal-hal mengerikan. Akan tetapi, periset University of California, Berkeley, Eduardo Andrade, dan periset University of Florida, Joel B. Cohen, tidak sependapat. Dari hasil penelitian mereka, mereka menyatakan "novel approach to emotion reveals that people experience both negative and positive emotions simultaneously -- people may actually enjoy being scared, not just relief when the threat is removed. [...] the most pleasant moments of a particular event may also be the most fearful." Kita memang menikmati emosi negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh film horor. Dengan kata lain, kita semua menjadi masokis di hadapan layar perak yang sedang menampilkan adegan pembunuhan atau dikejar-kejar setan. Kita semua bahagia untuk menjadi tidak bahagia saat menonton film horor.
Tentang Gore
Secara umum, film horor membangun tensi pada penontonnya dengan 5 cara: misteri (misal, Fear in the Night, 1947, atau Silence of the Lamb, 1991), suspens (The Haunting, 1963; The Omen, 1976; Rosemary’s Baby, 1968), gore (The Evil Dead, 1982; Dawn of the Dead, 1978; Rumah Dara, 2010), teror (The Shining, 1980; Jaws, 1975), and shock/syok (Shock Corridor, 1963; Suspiria, 1977 - meskipun film Dario Argento ini juga mengandung unsur gore, misteri, dan suspens). Gore, atau sering juga dilabeli dengan splatter film dan torture porn, adalah jenis yang mengeksploitasi tentang darah, unsur kekerasan yang brutal, juga mutilasi organ tubuh yang ditampilkan secara grotesk dan serealistik mungkin. Jika ada beberapa orang yang memisahkan film gore dan slasher sebagai genre berbeda, maka saya lebih cenderung melihat slasher sebagai perpaduan antara film gore yang minimalis, dengan teror (thriller) di dalamnya sebagai landasan tensi film tersebut. Biasanya, film slasher memiliki tokoh antagonis seorang pembunuh berantai dan pilihan senjatanya tidak lebih dari sekedar alat pemotong biasa semacam pisau, kapak, pedang, atau gergaji mesin.
Hal ini bisa dimaklumi, karena konvensi perfilman umum (jika memang ada) menahbiskan bahwa film gore itu unwatchable - tidak bisa ditonton. Namun kita semua yang menontonnya melanggarnya bak Adam dan Hawa yang memakan buah terlarang. Dan ternyata saya menemukan bahwa film gore memang tidak monolitik. Ada banyak tema yang pernah dieksplorasi di dalamnya, bahkan pada film-film yang bukan arus utama dan dianggap cult. Cannibal Holocaust (1980), misalnya, mempopulerkan genre found footage/mockumentary yang lantas secara sukses ditiru oleh The Blair Witch Project dan Paranormal Activity. A l'interieur (2007) dalam subteksnya bercerita tentang obsesi dan perasaan kehilangan seorang ibu yang mengalami keguguran. Men Behind the Sun (1988), yang berdasarkan kisah nyata Perang Dunia II, bercerita tentang kejahatan perang dan kengerian eksperimentasi pada manusia oleh Unit 731. Yang lain, seperti film pendek Cutting Moments (1999), sangat mengganggu perasaan saya karena dengan subtilnya menggambarkan keadaan sebuah keluarga yang sangat disfungsional. The ABC of Death (2012) - proyek antologi 26 film pendek kolaborasi 26 sutradara yang masing-masing diberi satu huruf untuk dibuat film - juga memiliki beberapa film dengan premis yang menarik; misalnya bagian L is for Libido karya sutradara Indonesia, Timo Tjahjanto. Meski begitu, ada juga yang pure violence semacam Murder-Set-Pieces (2004) dan August Underground’s Mordum (2003) yang membuat saya menyesal telah mengunduh dan menontonnya.
Sebuah film gore, jika dia hendak muncul di arus utama seperti Saw, maka harus memberikan suatu sense of unrealism, sebuah sensasi yang menegaskan pada pemirsanya bahwa ia hanyalah film fiksi, dan bukannya snuff film. Ia harus menjadi simulakra yang tidak hendak merangsek perlahan-lahan menggantikan kenyataan. Manusia suka jika dia masih mempunyai perasaan bahwa dia masih memegang kendali atas situasi, termasuk kendali atas rasa takutnya sendiri. Maka ketika suatu gore menjadi terlalu nyata, dan ketika si protagonis menjadi terlalu helpless, orang akan berpikir jika hal tersebut bisa terjadi padanya dan tidak mungkin baginya untuk melawan keadaan. Film gore juga hendaknya memiliki proporsi - menjadi brutal namun tetap berseni. Sehingga, orang yang menontonnya tidak perlu merasa bersalah setelah menonton film yang alih-alih berseni, malah terlihat sadistik bak menonton video nyata buatan seorang psikopat. Itulah mengapa beberapa film gore berakhir menjadi film-film samar (obscure) yang ditonton oleh sebagian kecil orang saja.
Milan Kundera pernah menulis dalam bukunya, "Unbearable Lightness of Being" bahwa:
"The aesthetic ideal of the categorical agreement with being is a world in which shit is denied and everyone acts as though it did not exist. This aesthetic ideal is called kitsch. … Kitsch is the absolute denial of shit, in both the literal and the figurative senses of the word; kitsch excludes everything from its purview which is essentially unacceptable in human existence".
Mungkin film gore adalah sebenar-benarnya perlawanan terhadap kitsch. Lewat wujudnya yang dianggap sebagai sampah estetika, kita sejenak tercengang dan melihat bahwa hidup (dan kematian) adalah sesuatu yang alih-alih sakral, merupakan sesuatu yang profan, yang fana. Kita terguncang, kita bergidik ngeri melihat momen-momen brutal dalam klimaksnya, tapi kita menikmatinya. Kita menikmati sebuah kehidupan yang dilecehkan sampai kepada titik absurditas. Pada akhirnya, film gore adalah "[...] a perverse sublime." menurut seorang kritikus dan feminis, Cynthia Freeland. Stephen King, dalam apologinya untuk film Hostel, mengatakan "sure it makes you uncomfortable, but good art should make you uncomfortable." Akan tetapi, saya tidak begitu yakin apakah Cynthia Freeland dan Stephen King sudah pernah menonton August Underground’s Mordum atau belum.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
A Magician of Heart
In my waiting for departure I am thinking about her, the ghost who inflicts so much pain and so much joy in my life.
Never crossed my mind, that I can only love her in my defective mind. In my insanity, I found love.
Five years have gone by since that one summer's afternoon. I can still remember the details vividly, as if it was just yesterday. The air... the room was radiant by the light of the sun that refused to step down. A flock of golden clouds sauntered slowly on the tangerine sky. I remember sitting down by the windows, on a wooden chair. It was warm inside. On the outside, some children were playing football. Some of them were cycling. None of their laughs could register to my brain. I felt bland. I felt lifeless. Yet I can flawlessly recall that day, because that day is the day she came to my life.
"How are you dear?" My mum's voice echoed from across the room. "Are you feeling well?"
"I am okay, mum."
I am okay, mum. It's just... I am not me.
My heart dared not speak the latter sentence. I just couldn't stand the thought of me worry my mum again.
The fault in our stars have cursed our family with this defect. First, my father. A decorated sergeant who was honorably discharged in his prime time. One day, a depressive episode manifested, due to his mental illness that finally surfaced. The next day, he's probed with evaluation. Two months after, he was out of the military. The next year, he shot himself to death. Leaving a widow with measly veteran benefit and a son who inherit the same illness. Perhaps it's time for my turn.
I never expect that that afternoon carved a lasting impression, even more so since my mind is botched from a concoction of brain-suppressing medications. That afternoon... that gleaming window... about five meters from outside of the window, came her. The wind blew her short, silky-black hairs as she walked closer and closer to me. I could only caught a glimpse of her face... her eyes. She looked into my eyes - a habit that she never lost - and I swear to god I was trembling at that moment. And then she was gone, disappearing into thin air. So fast, as if the earth swallowed her in one quick swoop.
"Life is not a dream, you know." A whisper came from behind.
I jolted from my chair. And there she was, smiling menacingly.
"What the fuck... Who the fucking hell are you?!"
"Son? Are you okay? Whom are you talking to?"
"Uhh, sorry mum. I... uh, the kids outside are playing in our yards. Gonna mess your flowers so I shooed them away."
"Oh, okay, then. I am going to go downtown. You feel like coming?"
"I guess, no, mum. I am fine."
"Take care, dear."
"You too, mum."
"Liar, liar..."
That voice again. She was standing next to the door. I could now see her clearly. Her slender body leaned against the wall, with her thin legs crossed. She tilted her face to me. Her round face, her melancholic eyes, and one little mole adorning above her thin lips. Lips that smiled a beautifully cynical smile. Her face was a landscape of wonderland. She was beautiful. Perhaps the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
"Are you an angel?"
Her sweet puffy cheeks reddened as she chuckled. "You will know who I am."
Since then my life was naught but a poetic version of reality. She was a magician of heart. Her passing apparition distorted everything that is real. I saw her on my waking hours. On some night, she would even sit next to me on my bed, from dusk to dawn. Exchanging words and whispers. Commenting on my frailty body, or about this old world - the philosophers, the peacemakers, the war mongers - while having our eyes locked on each others'. Her mind was like a library of infinite books. A vastness that I could never fathom.
I didn't know her name, and she didn't tell me, either. Until one day, I saw the sky carved her name by the clouds.
Nadja, the sweetest angel ever made by the immortal hands of God. The sweetest being in my life.
"You are not prepared to understand me. Everything that you see is a juxtaposition of two or more realities, including me."
I didn't understand a word she just said when I asked more about her. Since then I only knew her as an angel. A heaven-sent.
Day by day, Nadja haunted me. Even stronger. I saw her on TV. One day she was the anchor woman, and she told me a story about what happened in Middle East. But frankly I didn't care, I only cared for her voice, sung like lullabies. Like a bedtime story. On another day, she was the weatherman. The swirl pattern formed a heart shape. How sweet of her, I thought. I've never been romantically loved that much in my live.
One day - after disappearing for few days - she appeared as both the pizza delivery guy and the face on pizza box. Both of her was angry, saying I didn't miss her that much. I begged for apology to the baffled pizza guy and the pizza box. And that's when my mother noticed my illness.
My medications separated me from her. The first time I took them, Nadja taunted me.
"You're weak. You're useless! You let those pills deteriorate your brain? You will never see me again!"
Nadja resented me, questioned my love for her. My mum was beside Nadja, trying to contain her tears. Her body was unsteady, shivering. Her eyes were looking at me, tired, almost as if this life turns to an unending vigil. I could know that my mum was scared from the realization that the only love left for her is about to suffer like her husband. My heart was torn in dilemma. Love is not supposed to be contested, to be compared. Yet I had to choose.
Every time I took the meds, Nadja didn't come. I ached in agony. The medications robbed me of my Nadja and my willpower. I felt cold and empty. I couldn't express anything but a mask-like expression. Nadja is my bittersweet distractor. In my catatonic state I could only remember her, as if universe means nothing without her.
I missed her so much I decided to stop taking the meds, just to see her again. I expected her to be so angry with me, but she wasn't. She was as angelic as she always was.
"I miss you too."
I began to see her everywhere since I stopped taking my medication. I saw her face on the billboards alongside Cheshire Road. Her omnipresence began taking over my life. She was on everyone's faces, with all eyes towards me. Looking at times very cheerful, but sometimes also very sinister. She even wrote me messages, displayed everywhere. In newspapers, sometimes, I read a letter or poetry made by her, signed "Nadja." In other times, license plates on the street spelled her accusatory voices, like a barrage of moving angry text messages. It drove me crazy. It suffocated me.
On one rainy afternoon in the middle of August this year, well past 4 PM, I was driving my car downtown. I had to buy grocery since my mother was ill and must stay in bed. Usually, I always drank my meds in needs like this. But this time I forgot taking them, and Nadja began appearing again everywhere. I tried my best to ignore her, keeping my focus on the road. One of her was on the sidewalk, waving at me, trying to tell me something. I was too distraught by her to dodge a parked car.
Inside a car I just hit, a couple were struggling to get out. I sighed in gratitude, for such a fatal inattention almost took away several lives. I saw the man got a bloody cut in his forehead. The woman got bruises here and there. Worse, their faces gradually changed to Nadja's as they screamed and yelled and limped towards me. Soon, other people approaches me and my car. They were... all Nadja. My head hurt so much from the impact and all the illusions. I couldn't sort things out. I couldn't remember a thing afterward - except the feeling of touching my damp shirt, soaked with blood. I passed out.
I woke up at the Sacred Heart Hospital, with stitches above my left eyebrows and dislocated shoulders. Police demanded explanations, and after several inquiries, the court decided that I was too dangerous to myself and others. The court order compelled me to take medication else I would be put in mental institution. I could only imagine how sad my mother was. An agony not so subtle was hinted in her face. I didn't dare to see my mum's face afterwards.
Can you imagine lovers separated not by distance but by sanity? Maybe there is only one in this world; only Nadja and I. And now my sanity becomes an unbearable quality to have. I've dreamed of her so hard that I'd rather lose my grip on reality. I want my insanity back. I want to hear stories coming from her lips again; to sleep with her voice that is so dear to me while embracing her body as she lays next to me. I want Nadja no matter how much she caused me pain.
Eighty two...
Eighty three...
Tonight is nothing but a collection of emptiness. The empty sky deprived of star lights. The empty bottles of pills. The empty heart of a man. Soulless. Loveless. This immense feeling of bleakness permeating from my room is more comforting than ever.
Ninety one...
My inner clock is counting the moment. What will come after this? Will this wicked son get punished for inflicting so much sadness and disappointment to his mother?
Will I meet Nadja?
I grin at such prospect. My vision begins to blur from tiredness and the pills. My whole limbs paralyze.
Nadja. The enigma who warped my soul and sent it in limbo. The beautiful angel who remains out of reach in reality and in my dreams. I have lost her. I no longer have her. May this death - this infinite night - bring me again to her sweet caress. May these pills be my one way ticket to ride.
Ninety nine...
I believe in everything that will bring her back to me.
One hundred...
As I close my eyes, every inch of my body screams her name.
I hear my room door creaking slowly.
*) A homage to Andre Breton's book, "Nadja". Thank you, @nitnitha. :*
Thursday, November 21, 2013
For Thee
But you now manifest as the air that I can now breathe. And I am forever grateful, even if this may not last forever. For what's the best thing a dreamer can have, but to have his oneiric longing turns to reality?
Our story was too simple, but it's not of being simply in love. The promises to leave, the implosions of the hearts, the undulating emotions, the indifferent moments - all knitted together with love in a story no sentence could carry.
And for now, let's walk together. Let's wish for the eternal sunny day and starry night. If there will be an end for this road, or a merciless thunderstorm to end our days, let's hope that none of us will regret this. I will watch you silently. I will pray for you from afar that you'll be happy, to be one with he who loves you better than me.
But for now, let me just be drowned in the sweetness of your hours. Let me put my heart home, in you. In your love.
The firmest faith can be told in the fewest words. For as the turtles can't sing, yet they also fall in love, even for centuries. May this speak as a declaration - a modest one - and let our love speak louder than this.
Let me love you modestly.
Let me love you incessantly.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
"Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken." - pengarangnya tidak diketahui. Sering disalahatributkan kepada Albert Camus.
Pada mulanya adalah firman: "brocen wurde"; "telah hancur". Lalu, pelan-pelan, kuukir kata-kata itu menjadi sebuah epitaf imajiner di dalam dada. Mungkin memang - entah bagaimana - nasib menabhiskan aku menjadi sebuah gelombang soliton; ombak yang menjelajah lautan luas dengan kecepatan dan juga kesunyian yang konstan. Sementara dirimu adalah mercusuar, yang tegak menjulang dengan cahaya yang membutakan.
Ketika hidup merangsek dan menerjang tiba-tiba dalam kegelapan, siapakah yang hendak kujadikan pelita? Dirimu terlalu jauh, terlalu tinggi di atas tebing karangmu yang curam. Musim panas telah beranjak, digantikan oleh musim dingin yang kejam. Dan badai-badainya yang membekukan telah menghempaskan aku lagi dan lagi ke pantaimu. Hancur memecah menjadi sisa-sisa zarah.
Kau dan pantaimu adalah tempat yang magis. Benar, sayang, aku melihat keajaiban di matamu terang menyala bak seribu matahari. Terus terbakar dari lima tahun yang lalu dan tak pernah mati. Bagiku kau bukanlah penunjuk arah tempat di mana aku harus berhenti. Kaulah tempat aku harus melabuhkan diri.
Namun, sebuah ombak soliton tidaklah cukup besar untuk menjangkaumu. Untuk memelukmu dalam keabadian dan memujamu bagaikan dewi-dewi surgawi. Maka, aku hanya berharap agar gelombangku cukup kuat untuk membawaku pergi, saat bulan purnama menjejak langit pantaimu malam ini.
Kulihat cahayamu menembus pekatnya kabut dini hari. Aku pergi dalam diam, bersama pasang naik dan angin laut yang membawa rindu-rinduku serta. Selamanya.
Di atas, Tuhan mengangguk sambil tersenyum. Tak terlihat sedikitpun di paras wajah-Nya sebuah ironi.
Frasa "brocen wurde" diambil dari puisi "The Battle of Maldon". Sebuah puisi Inggris Kuno, berasal dari tahun yang tidak diketahui. Bercerita tentang pertempuran Maldon yang terjadi pada tahun 991.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
To My Daughter
Dear love,
Your dad is not a man who always acts as he thinks best nor remains faithful to his dreams. And worse still, not only my dreams, but I also sacrifice you and your mom. By now you might often wonder, "Why is my dad not here like my friends' dads?" And I can only think of how painful you think of our family as incomplete. Or how you are longing for the chances that we go to the zoo together, laughing at the clumsy giraffe, or perhaps complaining why they have to keep the tiger inside the steel cage when you think it should belong to the African jungle as you read it on the book.
Dear my beloved daughter,
The truth is, your father is the tiger. Locked in a steel cage called "job". As the tiger trade its freedom to roam the jungle so that the zookeepers have money for their family to buy food, your dad gave away his freedom so that our family have money, too. For you, for your mom, and occasionally for your grandparents. But unlike the tiger who is there against its will, I gave it to the government by choice.
Right now you probably are mad at me. Perhaps thinking of how silly I am to give up my dreams. I can understand that, dear. But I don't expect you to understand my decision. Instead, of this I tell you, let me be locked, but you must be there free in the jungle. Do not let them lock your dreams. Be the fiercest tigress ever in the jungle.
You must remember, that even though the tiger is locked, you must not thoughtlessly go near it, as it may hurt you. It may be locked, but at its mind it is still tiger, with its ferocious quality. And so is dad still keeps some of his dreams with him. Nothing can prevent dad from thinking about things beyond my measly job as government officer. So should you, dear, since the world is not your limit. You must think beyond that. You must go beyond the stars to the edge of the universe. Do not stop learning. Do not stop reading, even though I am not there to guide you. Be always curious of how this world works. One day, when I come home, I will tell you of how wonderful this universe is. I hope you will be interested by it, and build your dreams from it. And only by keeping and fulfilling your dreams you can be the best tigress, even much much better than dad and mom. Of this I endlessly hope for you.
Dear love,
To be the best tigress in the jungle, remember, you must be humble. Be kind and compassionate to others, especially to those who are weak and oppressed. Be sensitive to injustice committed against anyone anywhere in this world. You must - at the words of a poet, Rudyard Kipling - be able to talk with common people and keep your goodness and walk with kings without losing your humility. Do not dislike people because of their skin colors, or where they come from. Do not hate persons because of their religions, or because they love person with the same genders unlike your dad loves your mom. Do not like to avenge, forgive those who hurt you instead.
Be the best not because I told you to, but be the best because of you yourself think that this is good. You may not be proud of your dad's unimportant job, but you must be proud of yourself as I am always and always will be proud of you.
The jungle there awaits for you, dear. And soon, the stars above.
Give my kisses and hugs to mom.
With love,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Emergence of Banal Evil
Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal), the local ace detective, led the investigations. He and some police finally located the van and arrested the driver, who turned out to be a man in his late twenty but with 10-year-old-kid mentality, Alex Jones (Paul Dano). The lack of evidence forced the police to release Alex. Keller, in his desperation and distrust to police's capability, decided to hold Alex captive and torture him to get an answer. Meanwhile Detective Loki, cursed by his perfect "always solved" record little by little succumbed to his own personal demon. He slowly fell into obsession as the trails to find the girls were becoming more obscure.
And that was "Prisoners", a quasi-police procedural thriller by Denis Villeneuve. Villeneuve masterfully crafted "Prisoners" in dreary atmosphere not unlike Clint Eastwood's "Mystic River" or David Fincher's "Zodiac" and "Se7en". In fact, I thought Gyllenhaal's portrayal of obsession-ridden detective quite reminiscing to his Robert Graysmith character in "Zodiac". Jackman, however, reminded me of Jimmy Markum (played by Sean Penn) in "Mystic River"; a dad who gradually descends to moral anarchy in the wake of losing his beloved daughter. Howard, Davis, and Bello each acted superbly as depression started to cripple them all. Paul Dano, while not memorable, performed decently, too.
The music was minimal, almost none, even. If Susan Hill said "short story is unforgiving form", then criminal procedural series like "Law and Order" and "Criminal Minds" suffer from this short period of storytelling. Conflict resolved too fast, and the victims' characters are rarely explored in-depth. But "Prisoners" is on the right amount. It will imprison your attention, stealing your breath with each revelations that unfurls. Some of you will exit the cinema a little bit drowsy and worn-out. It is, in my opinion, one of the most emotionally exhausting neo-noir films in the last 5 years.
"Prisoners" sparks again the memory of post-9/11 USA, with the torture-crazed administration, Abu Ghraib, and whatnots. Unlike, the series "24", the film "Zero Dark Thirty" or "Unthinkable", the torturer in "Prisoners" is not a government agency. The torturer is a more-or-less a normal human being. A human being without political leaning and fascistic jingoism. "Prisoners" is a more harrowing allegory for us, precisely because it is an "intuitive pumps", an easy-to-chew "ticking bomb scenario" narrative unlike those hodge-podge thought experiments. It dares to ask us, "what will you do if you were Keller Dove?" while not depriving us of the thick descriptive details of both the torturer and the tortured. Alex Jones was not "masked" to make us less sympathetic to him. His scars and bruises were shown vividly. His tearful eyes were heart-wrenching. Even more so, Jones, an unfortunate man with mental retardation, might be the worst possible victim ever chosen for torture. Keller, essentially, had tortured a kid. And it is easier for us to relate to Mr. Dover, a generic family man, than imagining us to be the person in charge of Guantanamo or CIA. The image of a family man who tortured a mentally retarded man sure will agony to our moral sense.
It is more disconcerting, as so many of us were like Keller. Sure, Keller might be championing machismo, fervent religiosity, and doomsday prepper mentality. But deep down he was pressured by his own thought. His conscience was never really dead. He was drown in compunction, justifying his actions as nothing more than just desperate measures in desperate time. He repeatedly told Jones "Where is she? I promise, I'll let you go!" There was one scene when he recited Our Lord's Prayer before applying torture, then cried on the line "...and forgive us our trespasses." He couldn't continue saying its following phrase, " we forgive those who trespass against us" as he saw his humanity crumbled before him. He was unable to forgive those who trespass him.
Keller is the very embodiment of Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil." This banality means two things. One, is that cruelty becomes so prevalent that what is once considered cruel, might evolve as something that is being perceived as normal; that our collective conscience is numbed. But it can also mean the second thing, that is, the isolated cases of evil things committed by people who in our judgment would never commit such atrocity. The trouble with Keller was he, and the many, were neither perverted nor sadistic. Those who committed banal evil they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. "This normality", warned Hannah Arendt, "was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together." Because if the so-called "normal people" supported torture, then what is left from us to be the vanguard of ethics and morality and humanity? No need to stretch our imagination, even Americans are more pro-torture now than during Bush's era. And what about some people who neither oppose nor support torture like Franklin and Nancy Birch? This is another face of banal evil, those who intend to enjoy the apparent "security" acquired from torture, but refuse to get their hand dirty. They know that it is wrong, but opt to piggyback it as free-riders. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. And Elie Wiesel warned us that ambivalence and neutrality "helps the oppressor, never the victim."
Machiavelli once wrote in "The Prince": "...and in the actions of all men [...] one judges by the result." As all ticking bombs scenario, the usage of torture is the millenia old question of whether the ends justify the means. But is torture effective enough for us to justify the means?
In some cases, victims can even keep remarkable amounts of information hidden for days or weeks, or even spewed gibberish or outright lies. During World War II, American pilot Marcus McDilda tricked Japanese interrogators by saying the US was about to drop atomic bombs on Kyoto and Tokyo. In 1944, Gestapo officers subjected conspirator Fabian von Schlabrendorff to 4 weeks of tortures by metal spikes and beatings so severe he suffered a heart attack. But Fabian broke his silence only to give the Gestapo a few scraps of vague information when he feared involuntarily blurting out serious intelligence. There was also the case of Abdul Hakim Murad. For 67 subsequent days, Filipino police beat Murad, broke his ribs, burnt his genitals with cigarettes, subjected him to water-boarding, laid him out on an ice block, and pumped his stomach with water, but nothing out of his coercion resulted in a clear cut plan told to the investigators. In fact, his plan was uncovered from the computer seized from his apartment in Manila instead. Keller was not stupid, but he was in sheer thoughtlessness - something by no means identical with stupidity. And indeed, torture is never the panacea thought by Keller to solve his problem. His humanity has gone, and gone for wrong and futility. Without giving away the ending, what Keller did to Alex Jones not much advanced the investigation and search for the missing girls.
It disturbs me (thankfully "Prisoners" is fictional) when the question whether Keller will go to prison is answered "maybe" by a legal authority figure. For me, the question of torture must turn from individual ethics to law and public policy realm. Laws against torture should be enforced in all cases. A plea in mitigation might be considered only in cases with a proven urgent and immediate danger and massive impact, akin to ticking bomb scenario. Then, it must be followed by a voluntary confession by the officers doing the torture. But even so, the torturers should be removed from their job and spend some time in prison. I think this can be defended from a wide variety of ethical or metaethical perspectives. But the intuition is simple: if the situation is grave enough to warrant resort to torture, it’s certainly grave enough to oblige someone to take actions that will result in losing their job and going to jail.
But even if we win the battle (or find the missing girl) but lose our humanity then what have we really won? How do we pay justice to those whom we torture - for whatever reason? What if we torture an innocent person? How can we fix the damaged soul of the wrongfully tortured? What atonement must we endure to redeem our wrongdoing? It is the core message of this disturbing film: the losing of humanity and the emergence of banal evil.
And in the end, it is the inability to forgive one's self that gives rise to obsession and unhealthy fixation. In this case, Keller couldn't forgive himself for his failure to protect his family (exacerbated by his own machismo and his wife's depressive complains). He then projected his innate anger to Alex Jones. Loki, on the other hand, couldn't forgive himself as his perfection demanded that he solve this case. And it drove him crazy. It drove him into tantrum.
Forgiveness is hard. Jacques Derrida was right. To be able to forgive is to be able to forgive the impossible. Forgiving can never be finished or concluded – it must always be open, like a permanent rupture, or a wound that refuses to heal. And nothing is almost impossible as forgiving one's self for making failure. However, it is the only way for us to escape from our personal prison.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Surat Kepada Nona Artemis
Nona Artemis, di pesisir Laut Aegea
Dahulu sekali, Nona Artemis, seorang filsuf yang berasal dari tanah kelahiran kita, Zeno, pernah berujar, "Takdir adalah rangkaian sebab akibat yang tidak terputus." Sebelum kita semua ada, Nona, kita adalah atom-atom yang berasal dari letusan bintang bermilyar-milyar tahun yang lalu, yang mungkin juga berasal dari letusan bintang yang lain, dari semesta yang lain juga. Dan begitu selanjutnya, dari tak terhingga menuju ketakterhinggaan yang lain.
Lalu, Nona, takdir menentukan atom-atom ini untuk lantas mewujud menjadi seorang bayi perempuan mungil, yang lahir 22 tahun lalu pada sepasang ayah dan ibu yang terikat dengan cinta yang sedemikian kuat, hingga perbedaan pun takluk di hadapan mereka. Tahukah kamu, Nona, jika bayi mungil ini lahir di gedung tempat ayahku memutuskan untuk berangkat menjadi atom kembali? Tahukah juga kamu jika bayi ini lahir pada tanggal 28, yang jika ditambahkan maka ia menjadi angka 10 - lambang kesempurnaan? Aku dan bayi mungil ini punya beberapa hal yang begitu mirip, sehingga kami bahkan berpikir jika di kehidupan sebelumnya kami berdua adalah saudara kembar.
Bayi ini kemudian tumbuh menjadi wanita yang menyenangkan bagi mereka di sekitarnya. Meskipun kuakui, dia seringkali egois dan tidak mau mendengarkan, dia selalu punya banyak cinta yang ia beri kepada orang-orang. Sama sepertimu, Nona Artemis, dia adalah pelindung anak-anak. Ia menyayangi beberapa anak yang ia anggap sebagai darah dagingnya sendiri, pada sebuah panti asuhan di kota di mana ia belajar sekarang. Pernah dia bertanya kepadaku, bagaimana seorang yang egois bisa menyayangi anak-anak yang tidak pernah dilahirkannya. Aku tidak tahu pasti, jawabku. Mungkin karena kita adalah makhluk yang paradoksikal. Bukankah kau sendiri juga paradoksikal, Nona Artemis, dengan panahmu yang sama-sama mampu membawa penyakit dan juga kesembuhan? (Oh, aku sering berpikir kalau bayi perempuan ini punya karunia untuk mendatangkan cinta dan patah hati pada saat yang bersamaan.)
Di ulang tahunnya kali ini, aku tidak bisa memberi apa-apa. Tidak juga sebuah kue ulang tahun dengan lapisan cokelat dan dua buah lilin merah berbentuk angka dua yang menyala di atasnya. Baginya, dunia ini sudah merupakan sebuah kue ulang tahun besar yang sedang ia makan sepotong demi sepotong. Ia taklukkan satu per satu.
Aku hanya bisa menyelipkan sebuah fragmen tembaga yang pernah digunakan di tanah kita selama lebih dari tiga milenia. Di bagian mukanya, ada gambar lelaki yang tulisannya selalu ia pakai sebagai rujukan mendongeng. Dongeng tentang tanah kita yang ajaib beserta dewa-dewinya. Sayang sekali, Nona Artemis, dunia ini menyibukannya sedemikian rupa. Merampas waktu yang ia punyai sehingga sudah jarang sekali ia bercerita. Namun aku maklum, Nona Artemis. Aku lebih suka jika dia menggunakan sisa-sisa waktunya di malam hari agar dia bisa istirahat, daripada ia harus mendongeng dalam keadaan yang susah payah.
Lewat fragmen tembaga itu aku sematkan doa, supaya kelak ia bisa kembali pulang ke tepi lautmu. Mungkin dengan membawa serta Aegea dan Aegypta, anak-anaknya yang tercinta. Aku sudah meminta fragmen itu untuk membisikkan ucapan ulang tahunku padanya, juga harapan agar dia selalu bahagia dan semakin bijaksana.
Karena waktu adalah siklus tak terputus, maka biarlah energi yang dicurahkan semesta pada saat ia lahir datang kembali pada hari peringatan atasnya. Dan semoga Phoenix dan Pyro yang lebih dahulu kembali ke surga di hari sebelum ulang tahunnya kali ini, mau singgah dahulu ke Olympia dan menyampaikan doaku kepada dewa-dewi.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Upon Your Lifeless Smile
Last night must've been the darkest, coldest night I have lived on. It's as if the hell froze over and I walked on its ice. Not a word, not even a goodbye was said when you decided to be gone - and stayed gone. Forever. I still remember the way you waved your hand on the morning I went to work. Your smile seemed sincere, completely concealed what drove your heart into taking such extreme measure. Yes, I couldn't even catch a glimpse of your wicked intention, no matter how minuscule. Not that morning. Not even hundreds of morning before.
I have always thought that last night I would've walked into our home (weary, of course), not forgetting to put my shoes on the wooden shoe cabinet near the front door (because you always maddeningly scold me for being so untidy - funny how it is now I remember this after you've gone), only to find you fell asleep on our bed. The flowers-and-dogs patterns that emblazoned the "cute" bed cover you bought a month ago would look crumpled covering three-quarters of your body. Maybe I would kiss you here and there. Maybe you would wake up and ask how was my work, why was I late, and so on. Perhaps you would be slightly upset because the increasingly expensive condiments you've bought have gone to waste because I didn't eat the dinner you've prepared since the early dusk.
Instead I found your lifeless smile. Your eyes closed. Your body was cold and rigid from the rigor mortis. The dogs and flowers were now gone from sight, and the color red took place. On the bed, on the floor, on the pajamas you wore.
I have lost count of how many times I tried to wake you up. An hour must've been passed when I kneeled next to your body and wailed over you, thinking heaven would pity me just this once and you would live once more.
I didn't remember how exactly I regained my composure and finally called police, your parents, and my parents. Next thing I knew, it was already morning. A dim cast of light shone through the windows. A crowd gathered outside our house beyond the police line. Our parents tried to comfort me, and your mum cried incessantly while covering her face with your dad's handkerchief. Our dads were mostly silent, perhaps they were in shock. Your dad patted me in my shoulder, saying, "She's gone. She's gone. Now we have to get used to it." My heart is always prepared to lose you. But not this way. Certainly not this way. I cannot get myself used to this, and perhaps never will. My thoughts and words were sealed, in between tears and a barrage of hugs and comforting gestures from our families, friends, and neighbors.
The hearse has already taken you away for long. I've signed death-related papers that were necessary. I refused to authorize an autopsy because there is no need to desecrate your beauty that never ceased. Police officer that inquired me about why did you commit suicide has gone. I couldn't remember what answers I gave them beside "I don't know" and some words I blurted aimlessly. He suspected me of abusing you. I didn't, right, dear? I am a good husband, right?
Some people urged me to take a bath, and strangely I just complied without question. They all busied themselves for the funeral service that will take few hours from now. I took my shirt - my bluish working shirt with red stains on both of its sleeves. I remembered last night again. I remembered how my expectation to see you calmly dreaming had turned into a nightmare. A worst nightmare. A worst nightmare which is also real.
I wept under the shower as the memories of you began playing in my head. I reminisced our sweetest moments, our first date, our engagement, our wedding. I bitterly laughed remembering how clumsy we were on our first night. I even missed our fights and debates, our cryings together. It's all perfectly normal. Very normal, even. What is it that made you did that? I never recalled the moment you developed a depressive episode or some suicidal tendencies. Or were you that good to hide it all? Is it because we haven't got children? Or is it because you were lonely since I became so absorbed with my job? Please come back, honey. Please! I promise you I will not leave you anymore. I promise you I will give my time for you!
Nothing but "I am sorry, I am sorry" muttered from my lips. I know that you are invisible now, but you can still hear me. Please forgive me, darling. Please forgive me because I haven't got a chance to say I am sorry. Please forgive me, wherever you are now.
I get dressed, ready to go to the funeral parlor. Still adorned with soggy eyes and sadness that stubbornly refuses to leave. A broken vase is broken once, and so is a heart that is torn to pieces could never heal completely. Of this I know, of this I believe.
They tell me to grab some foods first, but I can't. There is this heavy air of sadness choking down my throat. The blazing sun is now covered by overcast, such a perfect time to mourn. The stress, the sadness, and the sleepless night all pushed me into near-collapse. I try to reach the medicine locker, looking for an aspirin or something, but I end up knocking them over. Things are falling, and I give up. I go to the backyard and secretly light a smoke. It is wet in some parts. Tears. Turns out I unconsciously cry again. I inhale twice then stomp it on the ground without mercy.
I tell our families, friends, and neigbors that I will go to the service all by myself. Alone. I step outside, painfully looking back at our house, whose mortgage still take years to be fully paid. And now it is even bleaker than before. The thought of you and your lifeless smile will linger, will haunt until the day I never know. The day when I will finally decide to join you. But this is not the day. Maybe.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Critique of Pure Inaction
Cerita-cerita di atas bukanlah kejadian terisolasi. Sudah banyak cerita, keluh kesah, anekdot, dan tetek bengek lainnya, yang dituliskan di blog, status Facebook, Twitter, maupun yang tidak; baik dari jaman dulu maupun sekarang. Keluh kesah semacam ini tentu tidak bisa dikuantifikasi bak survei untuk menjatuhkan putusan secara empiris bahwa institusi kami adalah institusi yang tidak baik. Tidak. Akan tetapi, Anda bisa lihat, bahwa ada yang salah dalam beberapa hal di tempat ini.
Adalah ironis, di tengah gaung reformasi birokrasi, dan Nilai-nilai Kementerian Keuangan yang selalu didengungkan, masih terdapat ketidakpuasan dari para pemangku kepentingan internalnya. Adalah menyedihkan, jika ada satu-dua peraturan yang dikeluarkan tanpa pernah ada kejelasan mengapa peraturan itu perlu ada. Seorang filsuf besar, Immanuel Kant, pernah menulis tentang bagaimana pemerintah seharusnya membuat kebijakan dalam bukunya yang berjudul "Perpetual Peace": “All actions relating to the right of other men are unjust if their maxim is not consistent with publicity”, semua perbuatan yang terkait dengan hak orang lain adalah tidak adil, jika prinsipnya tidak sesuai dengan publisitas. Publisitas di sini maksudnya adalah transparansi, sebuah penjelasan yang dikomunikasikan kepada mereka yang diatur. Jika boleh mengambil satu contoh, saya sendiri sampai sekarang tidak pernah mengerti kenapa UPKP* dihapuskan. Alasan peraturan ini mengada tidak pernah jelas, sementara implikasinya begitu masif, yaitu meskipun kami yang lulusan D3 ini mengambil kuliah ekstensi S1, ijazah S1 tadi tidak diakui. Kita tidak naik pangkat dan tetap menjadi lulusan D3 di mata pemerintah.
Jika saya boleh mengambil satu contoh lagi, yaitu tentang rekrutmen pegawai. Pada tahun 2011 dan 2012, STAN memutuskan tidak membuka pendaftaran untuk program D3-nya. Yang saya dengar dari mulut ke mulut, alasannya adalah karena terjadi penggembungan di tengah pada formasi pegawai, yang terlalu banyak diisi oleh D3 dan S1. Namun entah mengapa, pengangkatan S1 dari luar STAN tetap berjalan, sementara anak D3 yang hendak mengambil S1 malah terganjal oleh peraturan yang meniadakan UPKP. Hal-hal semacam ini - meskipun bukanlah sebuah hal yang menyangkut rahasia jabatan atau rahasia negara - tentu tidak Anda ketahui jika Anda tidak benar-benar ingin tahu tentang seluk beluk institusi ini.
Para penulis yang saya sebutkan tadi bukannya tanpa kecaman. Beberapa orang menuduh mereka tidak bersyukur sudah diberi kesempatan untuk sekolah gratis dan jaminan mendapatkan pekerjaan. Yang lain, dengan entengnya menyarankan agar mereka keluar saja dari institusi ini. Kepada ini saya ingin menjawabnya.
Yang pertama, bahwa sikap bersyukur adalah tidak mutually exclusive dengan menyuarakan kritik. Tentu kami semua bersyukur telah diberi kesempatan seperti ini, di saat banyak yang lain tidak lolos melewati ujian saringan masuknya. Akan tetapi, bersikap ignoran dan tak acuh terhadap keadaan yang belum sepenuhnya bagus adalah sebuah kebutaan yang disengaja, dan lagi, tidak konsisten dengan semangat reformasi birokrasi Kementerian Keuangan. Apakah kita akan berkata kepada Sri Mulyani, "Anda itu tidak bersyukur!" ketika beliau hendak memperbaiki institusi kita? Apakah Anda akan menyalahkan orang-orang yang berdemo terhadap pemerintah yang lalim dan melabeli mereka sebagai orang-orang yang tidak bersyukur? Apakah Anda akan mengutuk para whistleblower? Tidak bukan? Kita semua merindukan upaya perbaikan yang terus-menerus di segala bidang - sebuah kesempurnaan - jika boleh menukil poin kelima dari Nilai-nilai Kemenkeu.
Bahkan, dalam tinjauan agama sekalipun, kritik adalah suatu hal yang penting, dan tidak melulu merupakan perwujudan rasa tidak bersyukur. Yesus, misalnya, pernah mengungkapkan kritiknya** kepada pemuka Farisi yang lalim: "Celakalah kamu [...] di sebelah luar kamu tampaknya benar di mata orang, tetapi di sebelah dalam kamu penuh kemunafikan dan kedurjanaan." Nabi Muhammad sendiri, dalam sebuah hadits*** pernah bersabda: "Jihad yang paling utama adalah mengutarakan perkataan yang adil di depan penguasa atau pemimpin yang zhalim." Ungkapan syukur tidak seharusnya direduksi menjadi sebuah ungkapan kemalasan berpikir dan inaksi.
Yang kedua, bagi mereka yang menyarankan untuk keluar saja adalah tidak lebih dari sekedar patung hidup yang masokis. Saya yakin, pada suatu waktu tertentu, mereka tentu saja pernah dikecewakan oleh orang tua, atau negara, atau siapapun/apapun itu. Lantas, saya ingin menantang mereka, apakah mereka mau meninggalkan keluarganya, hanya karena pernah berselisih paham dengan keluarganya? Apakah mereka mau pergi ke luar negeri, di saat tidak ada sambal tersaji di rumah karena harga cabai dan bawang yang melambung tinggi? Pergi meninggalkan sesuatu yang mengecewakan tidak akan pernah membawa perbaikan apa-apa, alih-alih, malah semakin melanggengkan keburukan yang ada padanya. Sama saja kita mengusir orang-orang yang beritikad baik, yang mencoba memberitahu kita bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah yang mungkin tidak tertangkap mata. Solusi macam ini adalah tipikal orang-orang bebal, yang mengira dengan pindah ke bulan atau Mars di mana tidak ada yang bisa mengecewakan kita maka semua akan baik-baik saja. Tentu, ini merupakan sebuah reductio ad absurdum dan juga sebuah sesat logika straw man, tapi, alur berpikir yang dipakai tetap sama (hanya saja saya membawanya ke level yang lebih ekstrem).
Kritik-kritik kepada birokrasi akan terus ada, selama masih ada yang dapat diperbaiki dari padanya. Tidak seharusnya kita memberi disinsentif kepada mereka yang mau meluangkan waktu berpikir demi sebuah perbaikan. Adalah sebuah omong kosong besar, jika kita memuja gelar agent of change yang disematkan kepada kita saat kita masih menjadi mahasiswa baru, namun lantas mencemooh mereka yang masih menghidupi semangat tersebut bahkan ketika mereka sudah lulus dan bekerja. Jika memang polemik, kontroversi, dan gonjang-ganjing adalah sebuah keniscayaan yang mengantar kita pada revolusi, maka demi reformasi birokrasi di institusi tercinta kita ini, biarlah pikiran kita terus teragitasi.
Post Scriptum:
* Ujian Penyesuaian Kenaikan Pangkat
** Baca Matius 23: 27-28
*** Dari Abu Said Al Khudri. HR. Abu Daud, Kitab Al Malahim Bab Al Amru wan Nahyu, No. 4344. At Tirmidzi, Kitab al Fitan ‘an Rasulillah Bab Maa Jaa’a Afdhalul Jihad …, No. 2265. Katanya: hadits ini hasan gharib. Ibnu Majah, Kitab Al Fitan Bab Al Amru bil Ma’ruf wan nahyu ‘anil Munkar, No. 4011. Ahmad, No hadits. 10716. Dalam riwayat Ahmad tertulis "kalimatul haq" - perkataan yang benar. Syaikh Al Albani menshahihkannya dalam Misykah Al Mashabih, No. 3705
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Sepatah Dua Patah Kata yang Tidak Terlalu Penting
Sejujurnya, saya hanya ingin menyimak "perdebatan" ini - jika boleh dibilang begitu - dengan secangkir kopi dan barang sehisap-dua hisap rokok. Saya pikir, hanya berhenti sampai di sini. Sampai akhirnya Gita menulis tulisan tanggapan lagi.
Tidak ada yang salah dengan menulis, Gita. Sama seperti yang kau ungkapkan pada pledoimu sendiri. Entah karena penulisnya gelisah, entah dia sedang pamer mengenai kondisi penempatannya, entah dia sedang mengutuki entah siapa yang bertanggung jawab dalam lotere hidupnya kali ini (Tuhan? Pimpinan institusi ini? Dirinya sendiri?). Jika orang berhak mengungkapkan kesedihan dan kegelisahannya, mengapa standar yang sama tidak berlaku bagi orang yang sedang bahagia? Mengapa engkau gelisah atas kebahagiaan orang lain? Tidak, tidak, saya tidak menyalahkanmu. Namun, kau dan aku tahu: kau, aku, dan mereka, adalah sama-sama manusia korban-korban nasib. Sebajingan apapun nasib memutar dadu kita kali ini, setahuku, tidak pernah ada ketidakadilan di dalamnya. Ini hanya... nasib. Kecuali jika memang ada ketidakadilan dalam proses penempatan ini, maka aku akan menemanimu memberontak terhadapnya. (Aku tidak melihat tulisanmu sebagai ungkapan pemberontakan, aku tahu itu. Menurutku, kau tidak pernah benar-benar menuntut keadilan atas semua ini.)
Nasib menempatkan kita pada tempat entah bagus entah tidak secara subyektif bagi mereka yang melihatnya. Aku, di Jakarta, seringkali mengutuk tentang kemacetan dan paru-paruku yang dibunuh polusi sel demi selnya. Aku tidak mau berlagak omniscient dan dengan pongahnya bilang, "Aku tahu apa yang kamu rasa, kawan." Tidak, tidak. Aku tidak tahu rasanya kekurangan air. Aku tidak tahu rasanya harus menempuh kegelapan hutan demi tugas. Aku tidak tahu rasanya mengalami susah sinyal.
Lantas, aku tidak ingin berlagak bagai Mario Teguh dengan menyuruhmu bersyukur. Bersyukurlah jika menurutmu ini lantas disyukuri. Aku jadi teringat sajak Carl Sandburg berjudul "Mucker":
Ten murmur, "O, it's a hell of a job."
Ten others, "Jesus, I wish I had the job."
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
Of work the men! Of take the pay!
Of owning everything for one's own greed!
Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream
In the Old World while still a serf of kings,
Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,
That even yet its mighty daring sings*
*Langston Hughes, dalam puisi "Let America Be America Again" (1935).
Monday, July 29, 2013
Bangun, tidur, bangun, dan tidur lagi. Di antara mulut menganga dan kepala terantuk ke jendela, atau ke bahu penumpang sebelah. Melihat hidup dari kereta adalah tidak selalu melihat sepotong senja. Seringkali hanya kegelapan dan tubuh-tubuh yang letih dimakan perjalanan. Juga muntahan.
"Hidup ini tidak melulu tentang kesedihan", katamu tiba-tiba angkat bicara. Apakah mukaku terlihat murung dari tadi? Bukankah sudah biasanya aku seperti ini? Selain itu, lihatlah. Lihatlah ke luar. Lihatlah ke bawah. Masih ada yang menangis, mendapatkan debu hempasan kereta sebagai ganti susu. Masih ada yang merendahkan dirinya - menjadi serendah alas sepatumu - menyapu sampah demi selembaran rupiah yang kau lemparkan kepadanya tanpa perlu merasa kehilangan. Padahal, bagi dia, mungkin saja itu adalah nyawa hari ini. Katakanlah kepadaku, adakah tempat di mana tidak ada kesedihan? Bahkan, di surga pun ada kesedihan, jika surga memang ada. Tidakkah kau merasa bosan jika harus melakukan hal yang sama, memuji Tuhan, misalnya, dalam jangka waktu yang tak terhingga lamanya? Hidup itu dapat ditanggung, karena dia harus berhenti. Hiduplah selamanya maka kamu akan berharap mati. Karena dunia ini akan selalu dipenuhi kesedihan.
Kesedihan akan selalu menjadi bagian dalam perjalanan, tak terelakkan perjalanan kita ini. Tak ingatkah kau di peron stasiun tadi? Sepasang kekasih berpelukan. Begitu erat. Begitu rekat. Tenggelam bersama dalam batas antara ketidakrelaan dan keikhasan. Kau bisa melihat di mata mereka. Mata yang menerawang jauh ke belakang, kepada kenangan. Merekam jejak yang tak tergenggam tangan. Jemari yang menyusuri lengan, lalu turun saling menggenggam adalah tanda bahwa perpisahan - betapapun singkatnya, betapapun dekatnya - selalu tak tertahankan.
Kereta mengerem mendadak, terguncang. Beberapa berteriak dan menyebut nama Tuhan. Kau heran mengapa aku begitu tenang. Aku tidak takut akan kematian, kataku. Aku tidak punya apa-apa. Segala realitas yang kupunya hanya detik ini, saat ini. Pernahkah kamu berpikir, bahwa masa lalu dan masa depan tidaklah nyata? Menurutku, mereka hanya ada dalam ingatan dan bayangan. Rumah yang kau punya, tabungan yang kau kumpulkan, suami dan anakmu, hanya ada selama kau mengetahui dia ada. Saat kau ada di sini, denganku, saat ini, apa kau tahu jika rumahmu ludes terbakar? Atau tabunganmu lenyap disedot oleh peretas entah di mana di luar negeri? Atau suamimu pergi ke pelukan wanita lain dan membawa serta anakmu?
Kau menghardikku. Oke, oke. Contohku terlalu kasar. Aku minta maaf.
Bahkan, saat aku masuk ke kamar mandi tadi, kau tidak pernah tahu apakah aku akan masih tetap ada dan keluar dari situ untuk duduk di sini bersamamu, bukan? Ketika yang kupunya hanyalah detik ini, biarlah ketika pada suatu detik yang menentukan nanti, semuanya tentangku lenyap dibawa pergi.
Kita seringkali begini, duduk berhadapan berbagi kesunyian, diselai pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang kehidupan yang meluncur dari mulutmu. Kadang aku berpikir kalau kau sebenarnya sedang bercermin. Aku yang menjadi cermin, kau yang sedang berusaha menemukan pantulanmu lewat jawaban yang kulontarkan.
"Itulah alasanmu mengapa kau merusak dirimu sendiri? Alasan kau berhenti hidup, karena kau merasa ia hanya dipenuhi oleh kesedihan? Atau kau menganggap semuanya ini tidak nyata, karena kau takut merasa sedih lagi?"
Ah, aku hanya mencari apa yang aku cintai, lalu membiarkan dia membunuhku. Yang aku cintai adalah saat ini. Termasuk hal-hal yang banyak orang hindari. Hal-hal yang merusak jiwa dan tubuh.
"Lalu, mengapa tidak saja kau cari apa yang kau cintai, lalu membiarkan dia memberikanmu hidup? Memberikanmu harapan? Apakah kau tidak ingin punya keluarga, misalnya?"
Seorang anak kecil menangis di gendongan ayahnya. Telunjuknya mengarah ke luar gerbong. Aku melihat kedua matanya yang sembab. Aku merasa kami berbagi jenis kesedihan yang sama, yaitu kehilangan harapan. Harapan adalah hasrat akan utopia yang paling dahsyat, paling dasar, paling primordial. Bagi anak itu, utopianya adalah naik transportasi yang lebih nyaman bersama ayah ibunya, mungkin. Bagiku sendiri... Ah, aku tidak tahu. Yang kuharap sangat sederhana, aku hanya berharap agar tidak merasa hampa. Akan tetapi, kehampaan itu sendiri selalu sulit untuk dijelaskan.
Di luar, hujan salah musim turun mengguyur dengan derasnya. Tetes-tetes air yang jatuh ke jalan tersinari lampu kendaraan yang sedang menunggu kereta lewat perlintasan, terlihat berlompatan seperti jutaan ikan terbang bersisik emas dari dalam sini. Rumah-rumah di sejauh mata memandang cahayanya temaram. Bak orang yang sedang meringkuk kedinginan di bawah selimutnya.
Kereta belum berhenti. Kau menawarkan roti namun aku menolaknya. Aku hanya ingin merokok sebentar. Aku beranjak, meninggalkanmu menuju sambungan gerbong. Kau terlihat muram. Mengapa kau terlihat muram? Bukankah sudah kubilang aku ingin mati pelan-pelan?
Di sambungan gerbong sudah ada lima orang. Berbagi rokok. Berbagi korek. Berbagi asap pekat. Inilah kumpulan orang paling absurd. Orang-orang yang membalas hadiah kehidupan dengan perusakan badan. Anehnya, kami bahagia. Kami gila.
"Bau rokok", keluhmu. Ah, tidak terlalu bau, kok. Kamu tidur saja. Perjalanan masih jauh.
Pergantian gelap malam dan terang cahaya lampu rumah, bermain-main di retina mata bagaikan montase yang stakato. Aku rasa, inilah yang membuat beberapa orang suka naik kereta. Naik kereta bagaikan menjelma menjadi sungai, yang mengalir lancar, lurus, tidak perlu sedikit-sedikit terhenti oleh kemacetan dan lampu merah. Membuat lansekap pemandangan di luar sana tersaji secara utuh seluruh, seperti film. Film yang serta-merta sunyi, indah, dan surreal. Orang-orang lantas mengambil fragmen film ini, lalu membumbuinya dengan angan dan fantasi, membentuknya menjadi pelbagai prosa dan puisi dengan "kereta" disebut di dalamnya. Apalagi bagi orang-orang macam aku ini (yang kata orang terlalu melankolis), tidak kurang-kurang apa yang sedang kutuliskan di otakku saat berada di dalam kereta. Dan bagiku tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan daripada kereta yang melaju menembus hujan.
Kita tiba di stasiun terakhir. Rupanya hujan memutuskan untuk ikut bersama kita.
"Jangan lupa tasmu", ujarmu mengingatkan. Oh, aku selalu membawanya.
"Kamu mau naik taksi bareng aku?"
Tidak, tidak usah. Salam saja bagi suami dan anakmu. Terima kasih ya, kamu sudah mau menemani.
"Baiklah. Dadah! Hati-hati di jalan!"
Kembalilah. Pulanglah. Aku akan baik-baik saja. Pulanglah. Kembalilah.
Kau melambaikan tangan lalu berlari kecil, sedangkan tas yang kau bawa kau jadikan penutup kepala. Lama-lama punggungmu hilang ditelan oleh taksi. Aku berjalan menyusuri stasiun, menyalakan rokok, tak mengacuhkan berbagai tawaran kendaraan pulang. Aku hanya ingin berjalan. Aku tak peduli hujan. Aku hanya ingin berjalan perlahan-lahan, untuk sekali lagi menikmati kegelapan.
Yogyakarta - Jakarta, KA Progo, 21 Juli 2013